Enlarge, form and shape rings with The Beadsmith Ceramic Mndrel. These adjusters accurately measure rings and can be used for crafting personalized rings. Made from ceramic, the stick can be used as a bender for craft wire and thin metals, or as a stretcher for a previously forged ring. This ring stick is essential in the professional designer’s kit. It’s ideal for creating rings and a helpful device for fixing rings quickly. This is also ideal for those getting started in metalworking. To protect your work surface, you will want to purchase a bench block. As you become more involved as a metalsmith, you may want to add a finger sizer, to measure your fingers, or a hammer with rubber and plastic heads. Create precious metal, wire wrapped, and beaded rings, getting the right size, every time. Design custom jewelry for yourself, family, and friends. Easily find the measurements to every ring and decorate your fingers with unique adornments.